Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BARF Diet: Day 2

     On Tuesday, January 10th, I decided to mash up all my veggies and fruits together (along with the liver). So I used the following:

- About .5 lb Celery
- About .5 lb Caulifower
- About .5 lb Bok Choy
- About .5 lb Tomato
- About 5 oz Kiwi
- About 6 oz Apple
- About 1 lb Liver
- 4 Fish Oil Pills

     I put the mixture into the fridge and fed them 1.5 cups around 1:00 PM. They LOVED this too. But they finished it quite fast, I don't think I put enough for them. Around 8:00 PM I fed them each another 2 cups. One of my puppies ate pretty much all of it but the other one didn't touch it. I think It is because she had a stomach ache. I put what remained back into the fridge.

     Because they did not eat the bone yesterday, I was thinking about mashing up the beef and putting it into the veggie/liver/fruit mix and just feeding them the rib bone for one meal.

     Today, one of my dogs threw up a TINY bit of fat from the meat yesterday. But she was also more energetic and lively like she used to be and it made me and my sister extremely happy.

BARF Diet: Day 1

     On Monday, January 9th, I stopped feeding kibble completely and went shopping for the foods I needed for the Biologically Appropriate Raw Food diet.

I bought the following:

- Celery
- Cauliflower
- Bok Choy
- Tomatoes
- Kiwis
- Apples
- Beef Ribs
- Lamb Liver
- Fish Oil Pills

     At first, I wanted to grind up the bones, but I quickly realized that that would be extremely difficult and bone grinders are extremely expensive. So for today I just fed both my puppies one rib each.

     They LOVED the ribs. They ate them like there was no tomorrow. However, a big part of the nutritional value comes with the bone, but none of them finished the bone. Instead, they finished all the meat around the bone and chewed the bone for about 30 minutes and then gave up.

The Food Diet That Your Dogs WANT and NEED

BARF: Biologically Appropriate Raw Food

    This is a diet for dogs that consists of raw meaty bones, raw vegetables, offal, raw fruit, and supplements. It has many benefits, and a few risks and difficulties.

     Yesterday was the first day I switched my two puppies to this diet. I will keep updating on how it is treating them, and when a month passes and I am content with the switch I will put up a short handguide about BARF for anyone who wants to switch. I will also post pictures of my puppies when I get a chance. :]

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

LifeMinusDropbox = Useless.

     DropBox is possibly one of the most intelligent inventions that has recently been out there. It is a huge stepping stone towards making your life easier. This goes for anyone really. All the way from one student to an entire company.

What is DropBox?

DropBox is a cloud based filing system. Here are the key points you need to know:

- You start off with 2 GB of free storage, you can store whatever you want as long as it does not exceed this amount.

- You can share folders with people who also have DropBox accounts. Anything you put into a shared folder is immediately updated on your computer as well as the other persons computer.

- The more people you invite to DropBox the more storage you get. You can greatly expand your storage capabilities so you won't even need to buy extra storage.

- You can access your DropBox from wherever you have internet. Making USB thumb drives virtually useless and unneeded!

- If you want to buy more space, it is priced at a very reasonable price.

Why use DropBox?

- First off, it is FREE. Why not use something that is free?

- By having a filing system that is cloud based, you no longer need to carry around thumb drives, or even your laptop depending on how you use your things. It's accessibility is just amazing.

- No more need to email files back and forth every time you need to send an attachment. You simply just drag and drop the file into your shared folder and it is immediately uploaded to the other persons computer.

- You can even use your smart phone to access your DropBox! You dont need to plug into your computer anymore or anything. It is so cool!

Different uses of DropBox:

- A student such as myself can use DropBox very effectively for school work. No more needing to carry around your thumb drive. Just log on anywhere and go to your DropBox account online and get the file you need or upload the file you need. I also use it a lot to share files with my peers. I share files all the way from school work to music to pictures.

- Businesses can use DropBox to share files between employees, clients, administration, etc. No more wasting time with emails. It is very quick. I actually got my last boss to use DropBox and ever since thats pretty much all he used.

- An individual who does not have enough space on their computer can use DropBox as an "external harddrive" (in a way).


   I highly recommend you to get a DropBox account and explore the possibilities. Even if you end up not using it, you havent lost anything, but how could you NOT use something so awesome?? It helps your everyday life and makes travels much easier. You should not let a technology like this go unused.

NOTE: There have been some privacy changes made by DropBox so I advise you to take a look at that especially if you will be uploading/sharing very confidential stuff. NEVER go into ANYTHING blindly. :]

The Real Powers of Google: Google Calendar


     Google and all of its apps can really contribute to making your life less chaotic. It already has helped my life and is still helping it everyday. This article is about Google's Calendar app, for it has been the most helpful to me, especially in my student life.

     This app has proven to be the most beneficial to making my life easier. I recommend it for anyone and everyone, even if you dont check back on it much. It is extremely helpful for students. Do you students remember having those planners that you would always have to carry around and write in? Well those, in my opinion, are stupid. First off, you can not have anything repeat. You always have to check back to remind yourself of things... what if you forget to check back?! If you lose your planner it is very troublesome. It is troublesome even if you leave it somewhere and then decide you need it! Planners are dumb nowadays. Plain and simple.

Most useful aspects of google calendar:

1. Ability to have multiple calendars and color coding
2. Repeating capabilities of events and elaborate editing of events
3. Tasks list sidebar
4. Sharing capabilities

Now to elaborate on how these aspects can be useful in different situations.

1. Ability to Have Multiple Calendars and Color Coding

     Making multiple calendars is the most helpful feature on this calendar system. Think about how your life is compartmentalized. Do you play any sports? Do you have any pets that need to be on a schedule? Do you have any kids who have too many activities to keep up with? Need to keep up with classes and extracurricular activities? Its all made easy if you learn to manage them all with multiple calendars. The beauty of it is that its all together and viewable at once. So lets take me and my crazy life for example. I own two puppies that have strict schedules so that they can be trained. I am in college so I have classes to keep up with as well as professors and extracurricular activities. On top of all that I work AND I have to help my parents out with my sister. So in my google calendar I have quite a few calendars:

- Class Schedule: This is the calendar with my full class schedule on it. I use it if I ever forget what class I have or if I ever need to send anyone my daily schedule.

- Auditing Schedule: This is a recent addition to my calendars. This is a schedule of all the classes I might want to audit throughout the year. This is useful so whenever I want to audit a class I dont need to look up what classes are available and where they are. Instead, it is all panned out for me ahead of time.

- Assignments: This is the calendar where I post all the assignments, quizes, and exams I have as events. With this calendar I can see what assignments are going to be due and I get started on them. With this calendar I never get a zero on any assignment, quiz, or exam.

- Office Hours: I list all the office hours of each of my professors so that I do not have to always look back at the syllabus.

- Family: Here I post my dogs' schedules and anythings that I need to attend/do for my family (i.e. take my sister to practice, go to family dinner, etc.).

- Work: Here I post my work schedule and any work events I need to go to.

- Extracurricular: This calendar is where I post any club meetings I have, any sports events I have to or want to go to, etc. Anything extracurricular goes here.

     Now to make things even EASIER on us, google has given us the luxury to assign a color to each calendar. This makes viewing all or some of the calendars at once much less confusing and actually pleasing. No having to go from one calendar to another. It is all there laid out nicely.

2. Repeating Capabilities of Events and Elaborate Editing of Events

     The event making features and options provided to us is just amazing. You can make events repeat in every way you can probably imagine. You can also at a description to the event and a location. You also have privacy settings and reminders that you can add to the event! With these capabilities, you wont need to even remember things about events, you can just list them in the description or something!

3. Tasks List Sidebar

     I have probably used this feature second most right behind the multiple calendar feature. On your calendar you can have a little task list on the side of the screen. This is extremely useful for little things or even major things that you should do that do not or can not exactly take the form of an event. For example, something you need to do but don't have a set time to do it. Another useful thing is that you can create separate to do lists. So you can have one to do list for personal stuff, one for work, one for school, etc.

4. Sharing Capabilities

     To top it all off, you can share your calendars with different people who have gmail accounts and vice versa. This is useful to compare schedules with friends, make your family more manageable, no more writing out schedules for employers, etc. The possibilities are endless. And you can also give the people you are sharing with different responsibilities such as just letting them view the calendar or letting them edit it too.


     That is an overview of the most useful things you can do with google calendar. If anyone wants a tutorial  on how to set up your calendar just let me know and I will post a detailed tutorial with screenshots.